


Eurozone takes care of all the details so you can focus on building your team. From obtaining work permits to ensuring legal compliance, we handle every step with precision.

✔️Work permit and work visa
✔️Easy registration upon arrival for residence permit
✔️Support throughout the contract period

Step 1: Employing non-EU citizens in Romania: A step-by-step guide

Eurozone can assist you in this process, ensuring compliance with Romanian immigration legislation.

Step 2: Key stages of the recruitment process:

Obtaining a work permit:
1.1. The first essential step in the employment process.
1.2. Requires specific documents and approvals from the Romanian authorities.

Step 3: Obtaining a long-stay visa:
2.1. It is essential for foreign workers to enter and stay in Romania.
2.2. It involves a detailed application process and specific visa requirements.

Step 4: Arrival of the foreign worker:
3.1. Upon arrival in Romania, the foreign worker must register with the local authorities.

Step 5: Signing the employment contract:
4.1. A legal agreement that establishes the terms and conditions of employment.
4.2. Ensures compliance with Romanian labor legislation.

Step 6: Obtaining a residence permit:
5.1. A document required for long-term stays in Romania.
5.2. It involves specific requirements and renewal procedures.

Step 6: The Eurozone simplifies the process

Our expertise in Romanian legislation regarding IGI service and strong relationships with government bodies can simplify the recruitment process. We can assist with:
• Document preparation: Ensuring that all required documents are correct and complete.
• Legal compliance: Adhering to Romanian immigration regulations.
• Fast processing: Expediting the application process.
• Post-arrival support: Assistance with accommodation, registration and other practical aspects.

Simplify the recruitment process and bring the best talent to your business.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you hire the best talent from around the world.


construction & infrastructure

A new success in the Eurozone Recruiting portfolio!

Eurozone Recruiting continues to provide top-notch recruitment solutions, and our latest project is no exception. We have recently focused on attracting the best specialists in the construction, infrastructure, heavy equipment operation and welding sectors. This project not only highlights our expertise in these areas, but also strengthens our reputation as a trusted recruitment partner.

What I achieved:

Our team managed the entire recruitment process, from initial selection to completion. We carefully selected candidates based on their experience and skills, ensuring they were ready for the challenges in their fields. We also conducted detailed competency tests to ensure that each worker was fully qualified. We handled all the administrative formalities and necessary tests, optimizing the recruitment process for maximum efficiency.

The result?

We have managed to form a fully qualified team, ready to make a significant difference in the construction and infrastructure sectors. The workers are now ready to start, having the necessary training to contribute to the success of the project.🦺⚒️

At Eurozone Recruiting, we focus on connecting businesses with the best talent. We offer complete recruitment solutions, ensuring that every recruitment process is efficient and seamless. Whether you need skilled workers or are looking for reliable recruitment services, Eurozone is with you to build the future together.


📞Contact us today to learn how our human resources can support the achievement of your business goals.



Sofer taxi

Candidații noștri atent selectați au sosit, pregătiți să facă o diferență în România. De la descoperirea abilităților lor excepționale, până la organizarea impecabilă a călătoriei, am garantat o tranziție fără probleme.

Fiți pregătiți pentru o aventură memorabilă! Echipa noastră abia așteaptă să vă întâmpine în noua voastră casă și să vă prezinte oportunitățile extraordinare care vă așteaptă.

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